Standard, rapid separation, nano, and semiprep HPLC systems, and low-pressure and gravity-flow LC instruments; includes pumps, detectors, fraction collectors, and other components; connectors, tubing, and other accessories, and replacement parts.
Ensure precise HPLC injections and protect against pressure shock with biocompatible dual-mode Thermo Scientific™ Rheodyne™ 9725 and 9725i Sample Injections.
Ensure accurate, precise HPLC injections and protect against pressure shock with the dual-mode Thermo Scientific™ Rheodyne™ 7725 and 7725i Sample Injectors.
Use μPAC™ ESI-MS Accessories for fast, reproducible, and low dispersion connection of μPAC HPLC columns to Nanospray Flex™ and EASY-Spray™ ion sources.