Products for the preparation and purification of RNA samples. For use with various sample types including total RNA, mRNA, viral RNA, and bacterial RNA. Includes RNA purification and isolation kits, reagents, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, lab consumables, etc.
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The Applied Biosystems™ MagMAX™ Pathogen RNA/DNA Kit enables purification of RNA and DNA from viruses and easy-to-lyse bacteria and parasites, using magnetic particle technology in a 96-well format.
DNA Hybridization Buffer, T7 Promoter Primer, Klenow Reaction Buffer, 10X dNTP, Exo– Klenow, T7 Enzyme Mix, T7 Reaction Buffer, 2X NTP Mix, Digestion Buffer, DNase, RNase, Sense Control DNA, and Antisense Control DNA should be stored at –20°C. siRNA Binding Buffer, siRNA Wash Buffer, Filter Cartridges, and Tubes should be stored at room temperature. Nuclease-free Water may be stored at any temperature.
The highest-quality RNA available from Invitrogen, it is DNase-treated and subjected to unsurpassed quality control standards. One tube containing 200 μg is provided at a concentration of 1 mg/mL.
The highest-quality RNA available from Invitrogen, it is DNase-treated and subjected to unsurpassed quality control standards. One tube containing 100μg is provided at a concentration of 1mg/mL.