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Heating Tapes Cords and Mats

Heating Tapes Cords and Mats

Heating tapes, heating cords and heating mats are used to maintain or increase temperature of laboratory apparatuses that require direct heating. Tapes, cords and mats can be used to directly heat laboratory equipment, such as beakers or pipes, as well as provide temporary heating solutions. Available in a variety of materials, compositions and sizes, heating tapes, heating cords and heating mats typically offer maximum exposure temperatures in the range of 232°C (450°F) to 700°C (1400°F). Heating tapes are often available with multi-stranded and braided construction that promotes product durability and flexibility, allowing for easy application. Designed to fit tubes, instruments of varied sizes, and small cylindrical sections, these tapes are moisture-, chemical- and abrasion-resistant.
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