Rotors designed for use in floor-standing and high capacity centrifuges. Available in a wide variety of models including fixed angle, swing-out, zonal, continuous flow. May include auto-lock functions.
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Perform subcellular separations using a Thermo Scientific™ Fiberlite™ F20-12 x 50 LEX Fixed-Angle Carbon Fiber Rotor, which features improved ergonomics and advanced performance.
Support more than 30 tube types, from microtubes to conical tubes to 400mL bottles, with the versatile adapter options of the BIOFlex HS Swinging-Bucket Rotor.
Process 6 x 13.5mL at speeds of 65,000rpm and maximum RCF of 324,000 x g with the corrosion-free carbon fiber Thermo Scientific™ Fiberlite™ F65L-6 x 13.5 Fixed-Angle Rotor.