Ear bands/semi-aural devices designed to protect against hearing loss; may feature pads or tips that seal near/at ear canal; noise reduction rating or classification provided; worn under chin or behind the neck; lightweight plastic or metal. Regulatory compliance details can be obtained at the individual product level.
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E-A-R™ Caboflex™ banded hearing protector is lightweight when moving in and out of high noise areas and also fits around the neck when not in use. Each cone-shaped tip pivots to align with the ear, providing both comfort and protection.
Ideal for intermittent use, banded hearing protectors are lightweight and feature comfortable foam caps on a flexible band that easily inserts into the ear canal.
A comfortable, effective, lightweight alternative to ear muffs E-A-Rflex™ helps provide excellent noise reduction. Great for people who fit and remove their hearing protection frequently. Soft tips pivot to help maintain a comfortable, noise-blocking seal. Band may be worn in multiple positions.