Stain reagents and kits for detection/visualization of nucleic acids and proteins separated by gel electrophoresis; includes enrichment kits, as well as fluorescent, Coomassie (blue) and other color-dye stains, and metallic silver ion (Ag) stains.
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GelRed™ is a fluorescent nucleic acid stain designed to replace the highly toxic ethidium bromide (EtBr) for staining dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA in agarose gels or polyacrylamide gels.
A sensitive formulation of colloidal coomassie G-250 dye for endpoint staining of proteins in polyacrylamide gels and on PVDF membranes without methanol or acetic acid.
GelCode Blue Stain Reagent is a ready-to-use protein stain based on colloidal coomassie dye G-250 that provides nanogram-level detection in polyacrylamide gels and for in-blot detection.
Visualize DNA fluorescently in a variety of molecular biology applications using these dilute (0.625mg/mL) or concentrated (10mg/mL) ethidium bromide solutions.
Pro-Q Diamond Phosphoprotein Gel Stain provides a convenient method for selectively staining phosphoproteins in acrylamide gels, without the need for blotting or use of phosphoprotein-specific antibodies.
Visualize DNA fluorescently in a variety of molecular biology applications using these dilute (0.625mg/mL) or concentrated (10mg/mL) ethidium bromide solutions.
Diamond Nucleic Acid Dye is a sensitive fluorescent dye that binds to single-stranded DNA, double-stranded DNA and RNA, and can be used to stain and visualize nucleic acids in gels.
Detect proteins in the low-nanogram range with this ready-to-use, in-gel, colorimetric stain formulated to deliver fast and sensitive SDS-PAGE staining.