Stirred cells and apparatus used for protein desalting, purification, and rapid concentration of samples under high pressure; includes replacement parts and stand assemblies.
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Amicon stirred cells concentrate samples rapidly but gently, using magnetic stirring to minimize concentration polarization and shear stress-induced denaturation.
Access contents without dismantling via top plate opening. MilliporeSigma™ Solvent-resistant Stirred Cells, For 47mm Membranes is used for protein desalting, purification and concentration. The in-place disc filter is inside a glass cylinder with PTFE components for broad compatibility. Autoclavable.
Amicon stirred cells concentrate samples rapidly but gently, using magnetic stirring to minimize concentration polarization and shear stress-induced denaturation.
Use with solutions up to 10% macrosolute concentration. Amicon™ Stirred Cell Seal Kit includes 3 silicone gaskets and O-rings. The Amicon stirred cell model provides high flow rates and is capable of rapid concentration or salt removal / concentration in the same unit.