Microplate sealing films and tape are single-use adhesive plate covers that protect well contents from leakage, contamination, and evaporation during assay processing, incubation, or storage. Films and tapes are available in variety of materials, many with specific applications, including PCR, long-term storage, fluorescence assays, luminescence assays, microscopy, and cell culture.
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Securely seals multiwell plates. Self-adhesive Plate Sealing Film can be applied directly to plates and removed without the use of expensive equipment, or can be applied with a hard rubber roller to ensure secure and uniform attachment of the film to the plate.
Axygen™ microplate sealing films are designed for applications ranging from PCR and Real-time PCR to ELISA and cell culture. They can be used in a wide range of temperatures, making them suitable for nearly any application.
Provides tight seal to minimize evaporation and condensation. Corning™ 384 Well Microplate Aluminum Sealing Tape enables oil-free operation when used with thermocyclers with heated lids.
Easy application and removal for short and long-term storage, provide tight seal to minimize evaporation and condensation and enables oil-free operation when used with thermo cyclers with heated lids